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IUA 09-047 (BAA300 (Direct)): Binding Authority Agreement 300 (Direct) IUA 09-047 (BAA300 (Direct)): Binding Authority Agreement 300 (Direct)02/06/2007
IUA 01-033 Definition of Loss Occurrence (Hours Clause) IUA 01-033 Definition of Loss Occurrence (Hours Clause)12/07/2012
Model Exclusion 8. Upper Respiratory System Model Exclusion 8. Upper Respiratory System06/02/2020
IUA 05-001 (G310.1): Pool Re Terrorism Endorsement IUA 05-001 (G310.1): Pool Re Terrorism Endorsement02/01/2009
IUA02-021 Index Clause IUA02-021 Index Clause04/02/2016
IUA 01-023 (NP65): United Kingdom Hours Clause IUA 01-023 (NP65): United Kingdom Hours Clause26/04/2012
IUA 04-008 (NP189): Claims Co-operation and Reporting Clause - Treaties Non-Proportional Liability IUA 04-008 (NP189): Claims Co-operation and Reporting Clause - Treaties Non-Proportional Liability01/10/1985
IUA 02-018 ACOD/B (Version 2013) Explanatory Memorandum (updated 2017) IUA 02-018 ACOD/B (Version 2013) Explanatory Memorandum (updated 2017)14/07/2017
IUA 09-077 Brexit Contract Continuity Clause IUA 09-077 Brexit Contract Continuity Clause22/06/2018
IUA 02 018 ACOD/B Version 2013 Explanatory Memorandum updated 2017 and 2020 IUA 02 018 ACOD/B Version 2013 Explanatory Memorandum updated 2017 and 202013/10/2020
IUA 04-007 (P189): Claims Co-operation and Reporting Clause - Treaties Proportional Liability IUA 04-007 (P189): Claims Co-operation and Reporting Clause - Treaties Proportional Liability01/10/1985
IUA 02-024 Data Protection Extension (Public Liability) clause IUA 02-024 Data Protection Extension (Public Liability) clause12/11/2019
IUA 09-065 International Sanctions Clause IUA 09-065 International Sanctions Clause27/11/2015
IUA 09-042 (G56): (Contracts Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 Clarification Clause IUA 09-042 (G56): (Contracts Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 Clarification Clause02/11/2000
IUA 04 019 Commercial Crime Ransomeware Exclusion IUA 04 019 Commercial Crime Ransomeware Exclusion06/07/2021
IUA02-020 Per Claimant Capitalisation Clause IUA02-020 Per Claimant Capitalisation Clause04/02/2016
IUA04-011 Management Liability North America Clause IUA04-011 Management Liability North America Clause10/10/2012
IUA 09-041 (P201): Special Cancellation IUA 09-041 (P201): Special Cancellation02/06/1992
IUA 005-06 and IUA05-007: Guidance Note IUA 005-06 and IUA05-007: Guidance Note02/11/2009
LMA5199A Limited Radioactive Contamination Exclusion Clause LMA5199A Limited Radioactive Contamination Exclusion Clause15/11/2012