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IUA 01-009 (NP186): Claims Co-operation and Reporting Clause - Facultative Non-Proportional Property IUA 01-009 (NP186): Claims Co-operation and Reporting Clause - Facultative Non-Proportional Property26/04/2002
IUA 01-026 (G58): Terrorism Exclusion IUA 01-026 (G58): Terrorism Exclusion24/10/2008
IUA 01-026 and IUA 01-027: UK Territorial Definitions IUA 01-026 and IUA 01-027: UK Territorial Definitions24/10/2008
IUA 01-034 Definition of Loss Occurrence (Hours Clause) Technical document IUA 01-034 Definition of Loss Occurrence (Hours Clause) Technical document01/03/2018
IUA 01-012 (NP41): Territory IUA 01-012 (NP41): Territory26/10/1989
IUA 01-021 (NP102): Reinstatement Clause IUA 01-021 (NP102): Reinstatement Clause26/06/1992
IUA 01-005 (NP182) Claims Co-operation and Reporting Clause - Facultative Non-Proportional Property IUA 01-005 (NP182) Claims Co-operation and Reporting Clause - Facultative Non-Proportional Property26/04/2002
IUA 01-028 and IUA 01-029: IUA Circular 099/08 Nuclear Exclusion for Property Treaty Business IUA 01-028 and IUA 01-029: IUA Circular 099/08 Nuclear Exclusion for Property Treaty Business23/10/2008
IUA 01-028 (G510): Radioactive Contamination Exclusion Clause (without write back) IUA 01-028 (G510): Radioactive Contamination Exclusion Clause (without write back)24/10/2008
LMA5201 Nuclear Risk and Nuclear Material Exclusion Clause (Property Reinsurance) LMA5201 Nuclear Risk and Nuclear Material Exclusion Clause (Property Reinsurance)17/10/2012
IUA 01-013 (NP62): Winter Weather Aggregate Cover IUA 01-013 (NP62): Winter Weather Aggregate Cover26/10/1989
LMA5203 Limited Nuclear Risk Exclusion Clause (Property Reinsurance) LMA5203 Limited Nuclear Risk Exclusion Clause (Property Reinsurance)17/10/2012
IUA 01-026 and IUA 01-027: IUA Circular 098/08 Appendix 1 IUA 01-026 and IUA 01-027: IUA Circular 098/08 Appendix 124/10/2008
Terrorism Act 2006 - Amendment to the Definition of Terrorism Terrorism Act 2006 - Amendment to the Definition of Terrorism10/02/2007
IUA 01-026 and IUA 01-027: IUA Circular 098/08 Terrorism Clauses Updated for UK Legislative Developments IUA 01-026 and IUA 01-027: IUA Circular 098/08 Terrorism Clauses Updated for UK Legislative Developments24/04/2012
IUA 01-018 (NP61): Hours Clause IUA 01-018 (NP61): Hours Clause26/06/1992
IUA 01-002 (G52): Nuclear Energy Risks Exclusion Clause (Reinsurance) Worldwide excluding USA and Canada IUA 01-002 (G52): Nuclear Energy Risks Exclusion Clause (Reinsurance) Worldwide excluding USA and Canada26/04/2012
test vy 1 test vy 131/10/2023
IUA 01-024 and IUA 01-025: Costs Calculator IUA 01-024 and IUA 01-025: Costs Calculator26/04/2008
IUA 01-025 (NP83): Ultimate Net Loss (costs in addition) IUA 01-025 (NP83): Ultimate Net Loss (costs in addition)26/04/2008