IUA Circular
IUA in association with ISC Group (formally The Insurance Supper Club)
present: "Artificial Intelligence: A help, not a hindrance - Demystifying AI in the workplace"
welcoming ISC Group guest speakers:
Dave Basson, Business Developer & Advisor to UK General Insurance, NTT Data; Shelley Otterburn, Strategic Client Director, Financial Services Google Cloud; Caroline Bedford, CEO, EDII;
Penny Jones, Ethical Governance Lead, Zurich and Jonathan Davis, Data Science, AI and ML Leader, Zurich
Event Moderator: Tom Hughes, Senior Market Services Executive, IUA and member of IUA Cyber Committee
Event welcome: Genevieve Stow, Director of Outreach and Sponsorship (Global), ISC Group
This market Briefing will be: REMOTE ONLY
Event Date: Thursday 26 October 2023
Time: 12 noon for approx 1 hour (UK/London time)
Subject: At this IUA and ISC Group market briefing, our guest panel will be debunking myths and showcasing the functions and technologies that will allow you to identify and assess the opportunities for AI to improve your daily working life.
This is a free event, but names and email addresses of all attendees are required for registration.
Click here for dial in details
We understand that some attendees are unable to join our webinar's due to company restrictions for some applications on company computers. Please note you can also connect and join with a mobile or tablet device.
Please adhere to on line etiquette during our presentations. We kindly ask you to mute your microphone and video upon commencing the link and to use the Chat application for any questions, which will be addressed by the speaker at the end of the presentation. We suggest dialling in at least 5 mins before the start of the webinar.
Please note that any recording of this session will be available post-event on the IUA's You Tube channel, subject to speaker authorisation and technical quality.
“AI is a tool, not a threat” Rodney Books - Australian Roboticist.
It’s almost a century since the classic film “Metropolis” terrified audiences on how futuristic life, living with artificial intelligence in the year 2026 would transpire. However, AI concerns are still rife and, as technology evolves, so do our concerns.
It’s hard to go a day without seeing an article or hearing an anecdote about how dramatically AI is going to impact our working lives but how much of that is a true reflection of the reality and what is beyond the realms of possibility?
At this IUA and ISC Group market briefing, our guest panel will be debunking myths and showcasing the functions and technologies that will allow you to identify and assess the opportunities for AI to improve your daily working life.
Our guest panel will be sharing the possibilities AI provide as well as talking deep fakes, unintended ethical consequences and everything in between so that instead of fearing the potential changes caused by incumbent technology, we can embrace them!
As a member of the CPD (Continuing Personal or Professional Development) Certification Service the IUA is committed to providing high quality training activities. Our market briefing events are certified as being suitable for CPD purposes. To obtain a self assessment form for any particular event please email Deborah Finch. These forms will be issued after each individual event upon request.
Anti-Trust Statement: It is the clear and unequivocal policy of IUA to comply in all respects with all applicable competition or antitrust laws. Consequently, IUA Market Briefing Attendees will not participate in any practice that would have the object or effect of restricting competition, nor will IUA provide a forum to promote anti-competitive conduct. In particular, any discussion or agreement on key commercial terms, such as commercial premiums, is likely in all instances to be unlawful and must be avoided. A competition law ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ guide is available and the IUA is happy to answer any questions on competition law that attendees may have.
Text of circular here
Our Speakers:
Details of speakers here