IUA Circular 039/24

PPL Carrier Conference

Event Date:  14 May 2024 

Interest Groups:  IUA member contacts, senior operations and underwriting professionals

Time:   3:30pm arrival and refreshments
              4:00 to 5:00pm Presentations and Q&A
              5:00pm to 6:30pm Drinks and networking

Venue:  The Capital Suite, Etc. Venues 8 Eastcheap, London, EC3M 1AE
Subject:  An invitation of the Placing Platform Limited (PPL) Carrier Conference on May 14.

Contact:  Kim Darrington, Senior Executive, Market Modernisation (020 7617 4452) 
This is a free event, but names and email addresses of all attendees are required for registration.
Please click here to register

IUA members are invited to PPL's Carrier Conference on Tuesday, May 14th. The event is aimed at senior operations and underwriting professionals. It will provide a strategic context for where PPL is today and importantly the future direction of travel. There will be an opportunity to ask questions and discuss topics that are of importance to you and your team.